Monday, January 21, 2008

On Patience

Hey readers,

So, I had an eventful weekend, spending Saturday, hobbled and whining about my "football" injuries. I put football in quotes because I was injured during the practice beforehand. Worse yet, we were playing shorthanded, so my limited help, however useless, might have been useful.
But, now, I have a pencil taped to my finger and am limping around like I need a cane. But, canes are cool and I don't deserve one.

But, I followed that loss with a unique form of self-punishment, I went to go see There Will Be Blood. Of course, I use hyperbole when I say, I didn't like it (I would actually rate it around average), considering there were a number of entertaining scenes in the movie, and the film was highlighted by a very good performance by perennial over-actor Daniel Day Lewis.
Every three years, when he makes a film, he is almost universally lauded for his over-the-top antics. Well, sometimes it works, and it worked in this very slow movie, where the only entertainment was seeing him on screen. He maintained this "I drink your milkshake attitude" for just about the entire movie, and I appreciated it.

The downfall of the movie was in large part the total miscast of the role of the preacher, who was uneven in his moments on the film, varying from meek, sensual, violent, brave, cowardly, fiery, and greedy. Perhaps, the actor who played the role should have been able to have this range. To be honest, I thought it was refreshing to have a preacher from the early 20th century not played by a Jonathan Edwards-ian Sinners in the Hands of Angry God tirade, but this kid who was great in Little Miss Sunshine, just didn't have the chops to be a rival to Lewis in this flick.

So, recently, I've sat through this movie and No Country for Old Men and Atonement. So, I'm not exactly Gandhi, but these movies have really tried my patience. That's like 14 hours of 9 hours of movie reel.

But, in my hampered state, I hope to see Cloverfield, and imagine what it would be like, limp-running from the movie monster.

And speaking of movie monsters, I wanted to let you know that in my humbled opinion (it's been humbled by years of opinion rejection) the Terminator TV show has so far proven to be an adequate continuation of the series, even as it confuses me about its time travel theories and how Rise of the Machines fits into the myth. But, as with Adam Baldwin and Nathan Fillion, it's nice to see another piece of the Firefly/Serenity crew get her due. But, more importantly, the countdown to Lost continues.

Enjoy your Martin Luthor King Jr. holiday, and know that I will be at work all day,


  1. Stay away from Cloverfield. Worst movie I've seen in a while.

  2. I'm sorry JAR, I gotsta to see me some Cloverfield. J.J. Abrams made an old school monster movie. I respect your opinion, and don't doubt that it will indeed suck bigtime, but have to see it because of my loyalty to Lost and loyalty to movies.
